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NexGen IRCTC Magic Autofill Tool for Tatkal Ticket Booking

Use this Magic Autofill tool to save time of filling the IRCTC reservation form and book your IRCTC Tatkal ticket in real quick time.

To know how use the NexGen IRCTCT MagicAuto form, Please click here

Tatkal Ticking Booking Timing:

As per rules of Indian Railways and IRCTC scheduled time for AC and sleeper class respectively, As per recent update Tatkal ticket booking time for AC class will start from 10 AM and for sleeper class it is 11 AM. To book Tatkal quota ticket booking during the scheduled time user need to fill all details related to trip in our reservation form, before the tatkal time start in respective category. Once user complete the details in the form, then use click Save button to save your information. Now our tool will generate a button which has your trip details, drag that button to bookmark tab in browser.

What is Magic Autofill tool for Irctc Tatkal?

Irctc Tatkal Magic Autofill is an IRCTC Tatkal Ticket Booking tool or internet service. The pain behind a waiting list and RAC ticket, as we all know. The primary reason behind this is, on the irctc website, the form fill-up time needed. So why don't fill out the form before we go into the fight of tatkal tickets. It will improve your likelihood of a railway ticket being confirmed.

Our task is to automate each tatkal ticket form field so that during tatkal reservation schedule, customers do not have to write a single character. The entire irctc form reservation process is streamlined and based on the single bookmarks bar button.

As you understand, there are several steps to be accomplished with confirmed irctc ticket reservation.

  • User ID and PSW/Credential Details
  • Trip Planner Form
  • Selection of train
  • Passenger Personal Details form
  • Payment Related Options and Details

The solution for streamlining this complicated process is being developed. By particularly placed button to make the tatkal ticket booking process easier. As tatkal ticket booking hours begin at 10 am (for AC class) and 11 pm (for sleeper class), before that, you can fill in the full form on our side. We're going to give you a single button. Simply click on the install extension button to place it on your bookmarks tab now. Now go to irctc and press the button we provided for each page that needed data from your side. The magic is here ; just clicking the single button from the bookmarks bar would fill out your form.

What is Tatkal Ticket Facility?

The Tatkal ticket booking facility is the very brief notice based trip managing facility offered by Indian railway department for the passengers. It applies to all classes, that is to say. Sleeper, AC, and nearly every mail or express train. Tatkal ticket booking system opens for the next day's train reservation at 10 and 11 am respectively, every day, for respective classes. The number of seats depends on the train. However, under the Tatkal quota, a significant quantity of seats is reserved, Indian railways holds the authority to take final call on seats availability for particular train.

As per rules of IRCTC and Indian Railways, Tatkal ticket reservation time is 10 am for AC class and 11 am for sleeper. Numbers of individuals from IT backgrounds or working professionals depend for their journey on the Tatkal ticket booking scheme. During the festive seasons, circumstances get worse, due to heavy rush and most of the passengers are left without a ticket.

What is Premium Tatkal Ticket Booking Service?

A fresh reservation scheme launched at the end of 2015 by Irctc based on a dynamic cost algorithm. The idea is easy and the aviation sector has inherited it. The primary objective of implementing this scheme is to increase income in order to provide customers with quality services. Under the premium tatkal scheme, half of the tickets from the tatkal scheme are held.